Assured Airspace Awareness

Next generation multistatic radar technology for drone detection and surveillance

Currently in development, available early 2023

Disruptive technology

The protection of critical infrastructure and the development of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) requires new surveillance capabilities. The emergence of small, maneuverable, and “dark” (no RF emission) drones has reduced the ability of current radar systems to provide reliable situational awareness of the airspace.

Multistatic Spherical View Radar addresses this challenge with disruptive technology that provides the highest likelihood and precision of drone detection and tracking in any operational area under any conditions.

Our Team

Trident Defense develops breakthrough technologies to solve drone security problems. Spherical View Radars multistatic technology is being developed by a highly qualified science and engineering team from Ukraine with deep experience in security, defense and navigation, radar and information technologies.


1. Concept formulation


2. Requirements formulation


3. Primary principles formulation


4. Technology validation


5. Key performance validation


6. SVR system creation


1. Concept formulation


Concept of bistatic Radar technology development formulated.

2. Requirements formulation


Requirements for Drone detection bistatic Radar formulated.

3. Primary principles formulation


Primary principles of Drone detection bistatic Radar (SVR) technology validated through calculation and predictions. Requirements to technology demonstrator formulated.

4. Technology validation


SVR Radar technology validated by technology demonstrator (breadboards, parabolic antenna and basic software) in lab environment.

5. Key performance validation


Key performance metrics of SVR Radar validated by technology demonstrator during the field trials. Requirements and design of prototype system formulated.

6. SVR system creation

In progress

Prototype of SVR representing final design with all hardware (including phased array) and software components is assembled and initial tests are conducted in relevant environment to validate components and key performance metrics.